Saturday, September 12, 2015

Integrity,Authenticity,Responsibility,Enriching with Enlightenment - by Paramahamsa Nithyananda

  • Integrity:
  • Integrity means having completion with oneself,integrity in words you utter to yourself and others,integrity in thinking and integrity in actions.Whatever commitments one gives must be followed to completion to avoid spiritual ‘hangover’.If a promise is made and circumstances interfere with keeping it,the promiser must give back the commitment consciously and take responsibility for not achieving the desired result.Then the process is complete.
  • Integrity in thinking is more important than integrity with words. Integrity with words brings lot of awareness to the words you utter. Integrity in thinking brings tremendous awareness to your thinking. When tremendous awareness comes to your thinking two things happen 1) Your thinking reduces and 2) What ever you are thinking becomes creativity because every time you complete one statement one sentence thinking you will also verify whether that sentence is aligned to your life’s existence,purpose.When you infuse integrity into your thinking when you complete a thought you will be very clear will I be able to honour this,commitment to me.If you can’t at least you will tell yourself,No I am not going to honour this commitment to myself and completing,please leave me, relieve me! That is what conscious unclutching.So you will make less commitment and more completement.You will commit less complete more.You will be very clear about every commitment you make. When you are very clear about every commitment you make,that commitment owns awareness and integrity opens the path to fulfillment.
  • The moment even the last person this part of the Sanga declares his integrity with the words he gives to others and the words he gives to himself I will feel as a mission and complete.As a mission the responsibility lies with you.It is you who need to give me the last fulfillment.So my fulfillment is in your hands.
  • Do not believe in Past records.Believe only in Possibility.All great things are created by people who believe in possibility.The man who perceives the possibility is a Theist, creator.Man who constantly looks at the past record is Atheist.Integrity is life.It is life breathe.Live with integrity.
  • Swapoornatwa means completion of yourself.Try this any of you have knee pain,back pain,cant sit straight,cant sit in vajrasana,do this swapoornatwa,sitting with  mirror and completing with you.Next  day you will sit with out pain.Because every pain you carry inside you as  different parts of your body is nothing but not completing with you.Let me describe the technique.Comfortably be seated in front of the mirror.Have deep eye to eye contact with the body and reflection.Please understand both put together is you.I will call as Kaya and Chaya,both put together is you.Let the kaya and chaya have a deep eye to eye contact.The moment you have deep eye to eye contact.First thing you will have is ripples.You are waiting to cry yourself.You are waiting to cuddle and cry yourself. Cuddle yourself and cry yourself for so many things you did to you or others did to you.The injustifications you did to you and others did to you ,waiting to cuddle with you and cry.Cuddle your chaya ,hold your chaya and cry.Nothing wrong.Complete.Just this Swapoornatwa eases so much makes the miracle space available in you.Ananda Ghanda is what I call miracle space..Complete, complete it with yourself.Let you talk to your shadow , your chaya .You will be surprised ,your shadow will start talking to you., advise you..Listen to you.Will relive you from fear, relive you from many of your lust patterns , relive you from many of your attention need , will relive you from many of your quilts.
  • The next process for all of you is today all the words you uttered to yourself with integrity and all the words you said to others you will do with integrity..This is today's assignment.Look into your life and identify at least 10 areas of life  you have given your word, you have given promise to fulfil some thing , you might have fulfilled or you might not have fulfilled , that is a different thing.First pen down , you gave the word , second pen down the areas , you did not fulfil the word, third  pen down how you can repair all those areas and restore your word.
  • Authenticity:
  • The Ahamgara,the Identity you project to the outer world is one extreme,one pillar,the identity you feel as you is one pillar, Mamahara.You oscillating between this two is inauthenticity which is your life.Authenticity is Courage to face when your identity melts down and courage to stand up when your identity upgrades itself. When you do not have courage you hold on to the old,past and never allow the natural evolution.
  • Authenticity means keeping the ahamkaara, mamakaara, anyaakaara in tune being integrated.Being established and respond to life from ahamkaara what you believe as you,mamakaara what you project yourself to others,anyakaara what others believe as you which is independent of what you project as you.You are responsible even for anyaakaara.Only when you feel responsible even for what others hold you which is independent of your projection or your feeling.You may feel how can I be responsible for how others perceive me? Only when you feel responsible, you will feel powerful, empowered, responsible.You will not feel powerless. Life cannot bring any surprises to you.Feel responsible and live with integrity with all the three – ahamkaara, mamakaara, anyakaara.Take responsibility even for anyakaara so that we can solve it, we can align it. We can complete it. We can fulfil it.
  • Mamakara is how one perceives oneself; ahamkara is how others perceive one; annyakara describes what others expect from one, based on one’s self-expression. It is the obligation of every human being to extend himself to meet the expectations of all he encounters and to willingly take up the responsibility of fulfilling those expectations. Always meeting the peak of one’s possibility in life completes the annyakara.
  • My message on this 12/12/12 to the humanity is “Have courage, Authenticity to face when your identity which you are carrying inside you-Mamahara- melts down,when that gets upgraded,when that evolves have authentic courage to face it.Because from today the number of thoughts is going to drop,straight away that is going to melt the identity you are carrying inside you as you,the Mamahara is going to melt understand when the thoughts are dropping the first impact is going to be the melting of Mamahara not Ahamgara.Because Ahamgara is based on your actions. Mamahara is based on your thoughts.There is going to be vacuum in your Mamahara.If you face it you will become enlightened.If not you will become depressed.The deep depression or the highest enlightenment is your choice.
  • Each aacharya, each ashramite, each one of my disciple, organizer, Satsaghi, samaaji, follower, devotee wherever you stand, what ever you do, your Ahamkara should tell, make a statement to everybody , I am possibility for Co-existence. If your Ahamkara says, I am the top, you are not the possibility to Co-existence, if your Ahamkara says I am the bottom, you are not the possibility for co-existence. Who will want to live with the fool.Understand, when ever you deal with people see whether he is standing on Mamakara or Ahamkara or Anyaakara.Because there are three personalities in each one of you.Handle him based on that.Nachiketha takes the responsibility even for his Father's inauthenticity and he doesn't want Father to fall out of integrity also.
  • Responsibility:
  • Only with Responsibility you become a soul,you become a Being. What enters into your body when you come out of your mothers womb is Prana,energy.What enters into you when you take responsibility is Atma,Soul.If you take Responsibility for yourself you become man.If you take Responsibility for a family you become Head of the family.If you take the Responsibility for a Team you become a leader of the Team.When you take Responsibility for others you become an Incarnation.When you take the Responsibility the way you expand completely disconnects you from the source you happened,that is what is Sanyas.
  • Seed is a seed is a seed is Dharma,when the seed becomes tree it is the Natural Growth Law,that is what I call Responsibility.When the seed becomes tree what is the end it goes on becoming seeds that is what is Moksha.Bring Integrity and Authenticity to you and take Responsibility to multiply you.That’s all is the essence of Enlightenment.
  • Enriching with Enlightenment : 
  • This year's mahavakya , the core message with which we all work is Enriching with Enlightenment.Enriching with Enlightenment  has many layers of meaning.Enriching with enlightenment means enrich yourself with these great four truths of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching means not giving up on people.
  • Enriching others with these four things integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching by not giving up.Enrich them so that they also enrich others.Let the whole universe be enriched with enlightenment.This four words  are the keys how to  enrich enlightenment. First word - Integrity 2nd -Authenticity , 3rd- Responsibility  4th- Enriching.First integrity in the words and thoughts means integrity in the words you utter to others and to yourself,stand by the word.Bring authenticity in the way you hold yourself for others  and the way you hold yourself for others to perceive you to hold yourself.Responsibility , 3rd word.Feeling responsible for every thing happening.Responsibility empowers you. Every time a problem is brought to me , when I take responsibility, I feel empowered.I am responsible for every thing happening in and around me.It is a very powerful strategy for victory and success. This is the strategy.Feel empowered  and responsible.
  • Life happens to you out side.Please understand  life  happens to you with others not you. Inspiration is life.Dont give up on people,this is the first step to feel responsibility.Dont give up on people,people are life.People around you are life happening to you.If you give up on them , you are giving up on life.
  • The damaru of Shiva is the symbol of not giving up on people.Fire is integrity and authenticity,Trishul is enriching.Dont give up on people. Enrich,enrich people., enrich people.If you give up people, you will give up on your self, you will loose your confidence. You will give up on yourself. Dont give up on people.Dont give up on others. Not giving up on people is life.That is maths of  your life.The number of  people you have given up  is  a loss  and the number of people have not given up is  gain.This is the profit and loss account statement,find out which list you are in.Go on, enrich every body with enlightenment.Enrich yourself continuously with enlightenment.
  • Bring integrity into your words which you utter to others and to yourself.Bring authenticity to the way you hold yourself for your self and the way you hold yourself for others to experience yourself. Bring responsibility in your inner space for every happening,every thing.Go on enriching others ,enriching every one,don’t give up on people.
  • Drop the past records.Past track never gives you the confidence the possibility.Unless you see the possibility ,life does not flow in you. Excitement does not happen in you.If you are seeing the past records there will be a deep sorrow.Always past records bring deep sorrow,because past records by nature is death.Possibility by nature is life.Forget about the past records.Look at the possibility.Who ever interested in life should look at the possibility not the past record. Past record is neither as bad as you remember nor worthy of remembrance being remembered.
  • Complete the complications of the conflicts :
  • If you are not serving others you are harming - that has to be very clearly internallised. Life happens to you from outside,you may perceive it inside but it happens outside. Please understand if you don’t enrich you will harm,it is the law of nature.You are constantly living with people.Every interaction with your boss either you make him a better boss or a bad boss.Every interaction with your employee either you make him a better employee or a bad employee.Every interaction with your spouse either you make a better spouse or a bad spouse.First everyone need to learn Authenticity and Integrity, learn to commit to life,when you commit ‘I will make difference to others’ that is the way the difference is going to happen in your life.Only by contributing to others life by enriching others life you complete the complications of conflicts otherwise you go on complicate the conflicts.The essence is contributing to others life is the only way to complete the complications of conflicts.
  • Negotiation with Natural Laws :
  • Whole life is negotiation.If you know how to negotiate with the Natural laws I tell you, you will be successful in all negotiations in your life.Everything,every conversation is negotiation.Every inhaling and exhaling is your negotiation with natural prana.Every disease is a failure in negotiation.Every healthy day is a success in negotiation. Everything is negotiation in the life.
  • The Fear in you is the representation of Mahakala.If you negotiate with your fear and settled you have settled with Mahakala.Every force you see in you is a representation of Natural Law.The anger you see in you is a representation of a Natural Law.If you can negotiate and come to terms with it you will come to terms with all the natural calamity happening in the planet earth.My Gurukul is nothing but it is the place where I teach how to negotiate with Natural laws before they start their life.Without knowing the negotiation with Natural laws - if you decide to become a celebate, useless; you decide to get married,dangerous; if you decide to live neither this nor that, bored.
  • The source for everything is in one seed.When that seed starts expressing in you learn to negotiate with it.What exactly need to be done with negotiation? Be Authentic and Integrated.With Integrity and Authenticity face it.Don’t go on hiding your anger. Hiding your anger is guilt.Hiding your lust is fear.When you can negotiate with the energy which keeps you intact you can negotiate with the energy which keeps the world intact is the essence.
  • Integrity:
  • Integrity means having completion with oneself,integrity in words you utter to yourself and others,integrity in thinking and integrity in actions.Whatever commitments one gives must be followed to completion to avoid spiritual ‘hangover’.If a promise is made and circumstances interfere with keeping it,the promiser must give back the commitment consciously and take responsibility for not achieving the desired result.Then the process is complete.
  • Integrity in thinking is more important than integrity with words. Integrity with words brings lot of awareness to the words you utter. Integrity in thinking brings tremendous awareness to your thinking. When tremendous awareness comes to your thinking two things happen 1) Your thinking reduces and 2) What ever you are thinking becomes creativity because every time you complete one statement one sentence thinking you will also verify whether that sentence is aligned to your life’s existence,purpose.When you infuse integrity into your thinking when you complete a thought you will be very clear will I be able to honour this,commitment to me.If you can’t at least you will tell yourself,No I am not going to honour this commitment to myself and completing,please leave me, relieve me! That is what conscious unclutching.So you will make less commitment and more completement.You will commit less complete more.You will be very clear about every commitment you make. When you are very clear about every commitment you make,that commitment owns awareness and integrity opens the path to fulfillment.
  • The moment even the last person this part of the Sanga declares his integrity with the words he gives to others and the words he gives to himself I will feel as a mission and complete.As a mission the responsibility lies with you.It is you who need to give me the last fulfillment.So my fulfillment is in your hands.
  • Do not believe in Past records.Believe only in Possibility.All great things are created by people who believe in possibility.The man who perceives the possibility is a Theist, creator.Man who constantly looks at the past record is Atheist.Integrity is life.It is life breathe.Live with integrity.
  • Swapoornatwa means completion of yourself.Try this any of you have knee pain,back pain,cant sit straight,cant sit in vajrasana,do this swapoornatwa,sitting with  mirror and completing with you.Next  day you will sit with out pain.Because every pain you carry inside you as  different parts of your body is nothing but not completing with you.Let me describe the technique.Comfortably be seated in front of the mirror.Have deep eye to eye contact with the body and reflection.Please understand both put together is you.I will call as Kaya and Chaya,both put together is you.Let the kaya and chaya have a deep eye to eye contact.The moment you have deep eye to eye contact.First thing you will have is ripples.You are waiting to cry yourself.You are waiting to cuddle and cry yourself. Cuddle yourself and cry yourself for so many things you did to you or others did to you.The injustifications you did to you and others did to you ,waiting to cuddle with you and cry.Cuddle your chaya ,hold your chaya and cry.Nothing wrong.Complete.Just this Swapoornatwa eases so much makes the miracle space available in you.Ananda Ghanda is what I call miracle space..Complete, complete it with yourself.Let you talk to your shadow , your chaya .You will be surprised ,your shadow will start talking to you., advise you..Listen to you.Will relive you from fear, relive you from many of your lust patterns , relive you from many of your attention need , will relive you from many of your quilts.
  • The next process for all of you is today all the words you uttered to yourself with integrity and all the words you said to others you will do with integrity..This is today's assignment.Look into your life and identify at least 10 areas of life  you have given your word, you have given promise to fulfil some thing , you might have fulfilled or you might not have fulfilled , that is a different thing.First pen down , you gave the word , second pen down the areas , you did not fulfil the word, third  pen down how you can repair all those areas and restore your word.
  • Authenticity:
  • The Ahamgara,the Identity you project to the outer world is one extreme,one pillar,the identity you feel as you is one pillar, Mamahara.You oscillating between this two is inauthenticity which is your life.Authenticity is Courage to face when your identity melts down and courage to stand up when your identity upgrades itself. When you do not have courage you hold on to the old,past and never allow the natural evolution.
  • Authenticity means keeping the ahamkaara, mamakaara, anyaakaara in tune being integrated.Being established and respond to life from ahamkaara what you believe as you,mamakaara what you project yourself to others,anyakaara what others believe as you which is independent of what you project as you.You are responsible even for anyaakaara.Only when you feel responsible even for what others hold you which is independent of your projection or your feeling.You may feel how can I be responsible for how others perceive me? Only when you feel responsible, you will feel powerful, empowered, responsible.You will not feel powerless. Life cannot bring any surprises to you.Feel responsible and live with integrity with all the three – ahamkaara, mamakaara, anyakaara.Take responsibility even for anyakaara so that we can solve it, we can align it. We can complete it. We can fulfil it.
  • Mamakara is how one perceives oneself; ahamkara is how others perceive one; annyakara describes what others expect from one, based on one’s self-expression. It is the obligation of every human being to extend himself to meet the expectations of all he encounters and to willingly take up the responsibility of fulfilling those expectations. Always meeting the peak of one’s possibility in life completes the annyakara.
  • My message on this 12/12/12 to the humanity is “Have courage, Authenticity to face when your identity which you are carrying inside you-Mamahara- melts down,when that gets upgraded,when that evolves have authentic courage to face it.Because from today the number of thoughts is going to drop,straight away that is going to melt the identity you are carrying inside you as you,the Mamahara is going to melt understand when the thoughts are dropping the first impact is going to be the melting of Mamahara not Ahamgara.Because Ahamgara is based on your actions. Mamahara is based on your thoughts.There is going to be vacuum in your Mamahara.If you face it you will become enlightened.If not you will become depressed.The deep depression or the highest enlightenment is your choice.
  • Each aacharya, each ashramite, each one of my disciple, organizer, Satsaghi, samaaji, follower, devotee wherever you stand, what ever you do, your Ahamkara should tell, make a statement to everybody , I am possibility for Co-existence. If your Ahamkara says, I am the top, you are not the possibility to Co-existence, if your Ahamkara says I am the bottom, you are not the possibility for co-existence. Who will want to live with the fool.Understand, when ever you deal with people see whether he is standing on Mamakara or Ahamkara or Anyaakara.Because there are three personalities in each one of you.Handle him based on that.Nachiketha takes the responsibility even for his Father's inauthenticity and he doesn't want Father to fall out of integrity also.
  • Responsibility:
  • Only with Responsibility you become a soul,you become a Being. What enters into your body when you come out of your mothers womb is Prana,energy.What enters into you when you take responsibility is Atma,Soul.If you take Responsibility for yourself you become man.If you take Responsibility for a family you become Head of the family.If you take the Responsibility for a Team you become a leader of the Team.When you take Responsibility for others you become an Incarnation.When you take the Responsibility the way you expand completely disconnects you from the source you happened,that is what is Sanyas.
  • Seed is a seed is a seed is Dharma,when the seed becomes tree it is the Natural Growth Law,that is what I call Responsibility.When the seed becomes tree what is the end it goes on becoming seeds that is what is Moksha.Bring Integrity and Authenticity to you and take Responsibility to multiply you.That’s all is the essence of Enlightenment.
  • Enriching with Enlightenment : 
  • This year's mahavakya , the core message with which we all work is Enriching with Enlightenment.Enriching with Enlightenment  has many layers of meaning.Enriching with enlightenment means enrich yourself with these great four truths of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching means not giving up on people.
  • Enriching others with these four things integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching by not giving up.Enrich them so that they also enrich others.Let the whole universe be enriched with enlightenment.This four words  are the keys how to  enrich enlightenment. First word - Integrity 2nd -Authenticity , 3rd- Responsibility  4th- Enriching.First integrity in the words and thoughts means integrity in the words you utter to others and to yourself,stand by the word.Bring authenticity in the way you hold yourself for others  and the way you hold yourself for others to perceive you to hold yourself.Responsibility , 3rd word.Feeling responsible for every thing happening.Responsibility empowers you. Every time a problem is brought to me , when I take responsibility, I feel empowered.I am responsible for every thing happening in and around me.It is a very powerful strategy for victory and success. This is the strategy.Feel empowered  and responsible.
  • Life happens to you out side.Please understand  life  happens to you with others not you. Inspiration is life.Dont give up on people,this is the first step to feel responsibility.Dont give up on people,people are life.People around you are life happening to you.If you give up on them , you are giving up on life.
  • The damaru of Shiva is the symbol of not giving up on people.Fire is integrity and authenticity,Trishul is enriching.Dont give up on people. Enrich,enrich people., enrich people.If you give up people, you will give up on your self, you will loose your confidence. You will give up on yourself. Dont give up on people.Dont give up on others. Not giving up on people is life.That is maths of  your life.The number of  people you have given up  is  a loss  and the number of people have not given up is  gain.This is the profit and loss account statement,find out which list you are in.Go on, enrich every body with enlightenment.Enrich yourself continuously with enlightenment.
  • Bring integrity into your words which you utter to others and to yourself.Bring authenticity to the way you hold yourself for your self and the way you hold yourself for others to experience yourself. Bring responsibility in your inner space for every happening,every thing.Go on enriching others ,enriching every one,don’t give up on people.
  • Drop the past records.Past track never gives you the confidence the possibility.Unless you see the possibility ,life does not flow in you. Excitement does not happen in you.If you are seeing the past records there will be a deep sorrow.Always past records bring deep sorrow,because past records by nature is death.Possibility by nature is life.Forget about the past records.Look at the possibility.Who ever interested in life should look at the possibility not the past record. Past record is neither as bad as you remember nor worthy of remembrance being remembered.
  • Complete the complications of the conflicts :
  • If you are not serving others you are harming - that has to be very clearly internallised. Life happens to you from outside,you may perceive it inside but it happens outside. Please understand if you don’t enrich you will harm,it is the law of nature.You are constantly living with people.Every interaction with your boss either you make him a better boss or a bad boss.Every interaction with your employee either you make him a better employee or a bad employee.Every interaction with your spouse either you make a better spouse or a bad spouse.First everyone need to learn Authenticity and Integrity, learn to commit to life,when you commit ‘I will make difference to others’ that is the way the difference is going to happen in your life.Only by contributing to others life by enriching others life you complete the complications of conflicts otherwise you go on complicate the conflicts.The essence is contributing to others life is the only way to complete the complications of conflicts.
  • Negotiation with Natural Laws :
  • Whole life is negotiation.If you know how to negotiate with the Natural laws I tell you, you will be successful in all negotiations in your life.Everything,every conversation is negotiation.Every inhaling and exhaling is your negotiation with natural prana.Every disease is a failure in negotiation.Every healthy day is a success in negotiation. Everything is negotiation in the life.
  • The Fear in you is the representation of Mahakala.If you negotiate with your fear and settled you have settled with Mahakala.Every force you see in you is a representation of Natural Law.The anger you see in you is a representation of a Natural Law.If you can negotiate and come to terms with it you will come to terms with all the natural calamity happening in the planet earth.My Gurukul is nothing but it is the place where I teach how to negotiate with Natural laws before they start their life.Without knowing the negotiation with Natural laws - if you decide to become a celebate, useless; you decide to get married,dangerous; if you decide to live neither this nor that, bored.
  • The source for everything is in one seed.When that seed starts expressing in you learn to negotiate with it.What exactly need to be done with negotiation? Be Authentic and Integrated.With Integrity and Authenticity face it.Don’t go on hiding your anger. Hiding your anger is guilt.Hiding your lust is fear.When you can negotiate with the energy which keeps you intact you can negotiate with the energy which keeps the world intact is the essence.

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