Professor Sueo Yamaguchi, from the Japan Institute of Plant Management (JIPM)-the Mecca of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) visited the Bajaj Auto Akurdi plant some time in 1999-2000 and when Rajiv Bajaj introduced himself,the Japanese academic asked.Why are you smiling Rajiv was dumbfounded & Yamaguchi retorted,"business no good why you smile".Yamaguchi asked,What is your job Rajiv replied,Vice President,products, The Japanese professor asked again,Do you design component Do you operate machine Do you sell motorcycle"Rajiv said,No, So talking is your job Yamaguchi asked.Top management ... improvement is your job. Next day when Yamaguchi met Rajiv again and asked,What is your job Rajiv hurriedly replied,Improvement, OK,what is your action, Yamaguchi responded,leaving Rajiv dumbfounded again.From there on continuous improvement has been a religion for Bajaj

Great effort